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Voting & Elections 09.2.2020

PA State House Vote On Election Code House Bill 2626 Opposed By Common Cause Pennsylvania

Today, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed House Bill 2626, a cynical attempt to create voter confusion and make it harder for Pennsylvanians to cast their ballot in November.  Every eligible voter should be able to choose whether to cast their vote by mail or in person without fearing for their safety or wondering if their vote will be counted.

Voting & Elections 08.24.2020

Trump Election Lawsuit Delayed – Groups Respond

A federal court yesterday delayed a lawsuit brought by President Trump’s campaign against the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and all 67 counties. "“Common Cause is in this fight to defend the interests of every voter in Pennsylvania, regardless of who they vote for."

Voting & Elections 08.11.2020

Advocates and Voters File to Intervene in Pennsylvania Democrats’ Election Lawsuit

Common Cause Pennsylvania and other nonpartisan advocacy groups today asked a state court to rule that they may intervene in an election-related lawsuit filed by the state Democratic Party.

Federal Court in Pennsylvania Allows Advocates and Voters to Intervene in Trump Campaign Lawsuit

In a major development with implications for the 2020 presidential election, a federal court in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has allowed three nonpartisan advocacy organizations and three voters to intervene in a lawsuit filed by President Trump’s campaign against the commonwealth and all 67 counties that seeks to restrict several election administration practices that are necessary to allow people to vote safely in November.

Voting & Elections 07.16.2020

Voters and Civil Rights Organizations Take Legal Action Challenging Trump Campaign’s Voter Suppression Efforts in Pennsylvania

Voters are fighting back against the Trump campaign’s illegal attempt to make it difficult for Pennsylvanians to vote by mail and to have those ballots counted during the pandemic. Common Cause, other organizations and individual voters moved to intervene as defendants in a recent lawsuit brought by the Trump presidential campaign and the Republican Party.

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