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Voting Reform Package Improves Access and Brings Election Codes into the Twenty-First Century


The Fight Is Not Over, Common Cause Pennsylvania Will Continue to Move Election Reform Forward

Voting & Elections 07.9.2019

We Applaud State Investment in Voting Security, But There is Still More to Be Done

This funding is essential in helping to ensure secure and accurate elections here in Pennsylvania. Common Cause Pennsylvania, along with several key coalition partners, worked diligently and tirelessly throughout the legislative session to gain support from legislators, stakeholders and citizens, imploring them on the monumental importance of acquiring new machines for our future elections.


HARRISBURG, Pa. (May 20, 2019) – The Pennsylvania Census 2020 Complete Count Commission is requesting state funding be added to the 2019-20 budget totaling an amount equal to $1 per person currently residing in the state to ensure a complete and accurate census count in 2020.

Senate Bill 22….Again? We Say Not Good Enough…Again.

On Tuesday, April 9th the Senate State Government Committee will vote on Senate Bill 22, the same constitutional amendment from Spring 2018 which established a politician-appointed commission to draw legislative and congressional district lines. While we appreciate the continued commitment of Committee Chairs Mike Folmer, Anthony Williams and their colleagues as well as bill sponsor Senator Lisa Boscola to reforming the Pennsylvania redistricting process, as written, this bill is insufficient to address the concerns of Pennsylvanians who are tired of the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse when it comes to drawing fair and representative districts.

Gov. Wolf Names Common Cause to the Census 2020 Complete Count Commission

“It is impossible to diminish the importance of the census as the foundation of representative self-governance and every Americans’ ability to help shape the future of our families and communities. The census is critical to representation at all levels of government and the federal resources that support our states, communities, and constituencies." -- Micah Sims, Executive Director

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