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Common Cause PA Supports Formation of New Bipartisan Redistricting Commission

Common Cause Pennsylvania applauds Governor Tom Wolf’s efforts to address partisan gerrymandering in our state. Wolf’s executive order will give Pennsylvanians a chance to be heard on an important and fundamental question of our representative democracy – who represents our communities in the state legislature, the US House and Senate.

Director Sims and Rep. Schemel Discuss the Courts’ New Congressional Maps

Throwback to when the Pa. Supreme Court threw out the 2011 Congressional maps for being unconstitutionally gerrymandered.

Voting & Elections 09.18.2018

Talking Elections with Terry Madonna

Executive Director Micah Sims went on PA Newsmakers to discuss elections and the ways we're working to make them better.


Common Cause PA Applauds Gov. Wolf for Establishing Census 2020 Complete Count Commission

An accurate Census 2020 count is essential to the full funding of federal assistance programs and services that many Pennsylvanians rely on. These programs and services include Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Plan, school construction, special education grants, foster care, affordable housing, and highway planning and construction.

BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Gerrymandering A Guide to Congressional Redistricting, Dark Money, and the U.S. Supreme Court

“If you care about building an inclusive democracy, that lifts all people’s voices, then Kury’s book is a must read. It presents the real life drama of gerrymandering that is more spellbinding than any spy novel. And it gives practical guidance for activists that is easier to follow than an IKEA manual. Bravo!” -KATHAY FENG, national redistricting chair for Common Cause

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