
Press Release

Common Cause PA and Other Groups File Amicus Brief in Pennsylvania Supreme Court Voting Rights Case

“Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. It is essential that every eligible Pennsylvania voter has accessible options to return their mail in ballot and ensure that ballot is counted,” said Common Cause interim Executive Director Suzanne Almeida.

Common Cause PA and other voting rights groups today filed an amicus brief in a lawsuit that will shape the state’s voting procedures for the November election.

The case, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, et al. v. Bookvar, is being heard by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. 

The brief urges the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to:

  •         Uphold the use of drop-boxes for voters to return their mail ballots;
  •         Support the counting of mail ballots, even if they are returned without a secrecy envelope; and
  •         Allow the counting of mailed ballots that are postmarked by Election Day, if they are received by elections officials within three days of Election Day.   

“Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. It is essential that every eligible Pennsylvania voter has accessible options to return their mail in ballot and ensure that ballot is counted,” said Common Cause interim Executive Director Suzanne Almeida. “Pennsylvania voters should not be forced to choose between their health and the ability to use their voice and cast their vote.” 

“We are proud to join the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, The Black Political Empowerment Project, Make The Road Pennsylvania, and three Pennsylvania voters in filing today’s amicus brief,” Almeida said. “Thank you to our legal team from ACLU-PA, The Voting Project of the ACLU, the Public Interest Law Center, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and WilmerHale.”


The full amicus brief can be found here.


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