
Unser Einfluss

When Common Cause Pennsylvania takes action, we make a real difference for democracy. 

With the support of our dedicated members, we have shown up time and time again to protect Pennsylvanians’ rights. We will continue to make our government here in Pennsylvania more open, honest, and accountable.


Dera Silvestre


Election protection Hotline numbers English 866-OUR-Vote

Mobilizing Election Protection Volunteers

Each federal election year, Common Cause Pennsylvania mobilizes nonpartisan volunteers across the state to serve as a first line of defense for voters. These volunteers answer voters’ questions at their polling places, make sure that voters know their rights, and report any attempts to intimidate or obstruct voters. This program has helped tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians make themselves heard at the ballot box.

Sign Up to Protect the Vote

Securing Act 77

In 2022, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld Act 77—a historic, bipartisan election reform bill passed in 2019 that permitted no-excuse vote-by-mail for the first time in the state’s history. This important legal victory will protect Pennsylvania voters’ right to cast their ballot securely and conveniently in the manner they choose. The lawsuit was filed by Common Cause Pennsylvania and partners.

Learn more about our work to defend voting rights

About Us Statistics Blurb For years, Common Cause Pennsylvania has been working across our state for a stronger democracy.


Members and Supporters

Menschen wie Sie sind die treibende Kraft hinter allem, was wir für unsere Demokratie tun.


Landkreise mit Common Cause-Mitgliedern

Unsere Unterstützer leben und aktiv in jeder Ecke unseres Staates.


Staatliche Organisationen in unserem Netzwerk

Common Cause arbeitet landesweit an den wichtigen Themen.

Mit Ihrer finanziellen Unterstützung können wir etwas bewirken, indem wir Macht zur Rechenschaft ziehen und die Demokratie zu stärken.



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