

Vorab-Wahlscheine im Repräsentantenhaus von Pennsylvania

„Dies ist eine unkomplizierte, überparteiliche Lösung, die im November für Wähler und Wahlbeamte einen dramatischen Unterschied machen wird.“

This week, the Pennsylvania state House passed legislation that would allow election officials to begin the pre-processing of mail-in ballots up to seven days before an election.

“This is a straightforward, nonpartisan fix that will make a dramatic difference for voters and election officials come November,” said Philip Hensley-Robin, Geschäftsführer von Common Cause Pennsylvania. “Now, it’s up to the Senate to put people over political squabbles and pass this simple resolution to a persistent problem.” 

“Pre-canvassing would not only alleviate an administrative burden on election officials — it would also benefit voters,” said Hensley-Robin. “Additional time for pre-canvassing would give election workers more time to identify defects with voters’ mail ballots, which in turn would make it easier for voters to receive notice of a defect and ensure their vote counts, either by curing their ballots or voting provisionally on election day.” 

Current law only allows this pre-processing, also known as pre-canvassing, to start at 7 a.m. on election day. Election officials have long asked for this commonsense remedy to Pennsylvania’s ballot counting delays. 

HB 847 was introduced by Rep. Scott Conklin. Several bills to expand pre-canvassing have been introduced each session since 2019, when Act 77 was passed to allow no-excuse absentee voting.


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