

Heutige Aussage vor dem Sonderausschuss zur Untersuchung des Anschlags vom 6. Januar: Common Cause Pennsylvania dankt dem ehemaligen Stadtrat von Philadelphia, Al Schmidt

Wir danken dem ehemaligen Stadtrat von Philadelphia, Al Schmidt, für seine heutige Aussage und für seine anhaltende Bereitschaft, angesichts von Lügen und grausamen Drohungen die Wahrheit zu sagen. 

Today, during the second hearing of the Select Committee, former Philadelphia City Commissioner Al Schmidt testified to “false allegations of election impropriety in Philadelphia.”

Pennsylvania’s 2020 election results were found to be accurate through both a statutory audit and a voluntary risk limiting audit conducted by nearly all of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. Additionally, despite filing more than 60 lawsuits across the country, including several in Pennsylvania, no court overturned the election results in Pennsylvania or elsewhere.

Erklärung von Khalif Ali, Geschäftsführer von Common Cause Pennsylvania

Wir danken dem ehemaligen Stadtrat von Philadelphia, Al Schmidt, für seine heutige Aussage und für seine anhaltende Bereitschaft, angesichts von Lügen und grausamen Drohungen die Wahrheit zu sagen. 

Today’s testimony highlighted the incredible measures undertaken by our elections officials in 2020 to ensure the results of a free and fair election held, in the face of the Big Lie and pressure from then-President Trump. 

Threats of violence against public servants are always unconscionable. This is particularly true when it comes to elections officials who are at the front lines of protecting our democracy for the benefit of We the People.   

Elections are complex and challenging in any circumstances. In 2020, the circumstances were particularly challenging, with unprecedented voter turnout, new voting machines, new election procedures and the changes necessary because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our election professionals rose to the challenge and conducted a safe, secure, and accurate election. They deserve our thanks, not threats and intimidation. 

The Big Lie was just that – a lie. Under our Constitution, We the People decide who represents us. And our elections officials are tasked with ensuring that all votes are validated and tallied in accordance with the laws of each state. This is what happened in the centuries leading up to 2020, and in 2020 — and it has continued to happen through 2021 and the primary election of 2022.  

Our elections professionals should be able to do their jobs without fearing for their personal safety and the safety of their loved ones.  

We look forward to the planners and perpetrators of the attack on the Capitol on January 6 being held responsible. We also look forward to accountability for the people who have threatened and harassed election workers and officials. 


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