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Voting & Elections 08.10.2023

Vote-by-Mail Under Attack: Act 77 Update

Here's an update on the attacks on voting by mail in Pennsylvania, and how we can improve access to our elections.


5 things you need to know about ERIC

Here's why ERIC is critical to our election administration in Pennsylvania.

Supreme Court Case Puts Keystone Voters at Risk

"A decision in favor of the North Carolina legislature in Moore v. Harper would extinguish any opportunity we have to force the General Assembly to stop manipulating redistricting for political gain."


Voting Victory: Counties Ordered to Count Undated Ballots

Inquirer: An end to sinister prison gerrymandering is a racial justice victory | Opinion

Prison gerrymandering — the act of counting people for purposes of redistricting at the location of the prison instead of their home — is especially sinister. Not only are map makers silencing individual voices in government, they are in effect stealing representation from areas that are dramatically underserved while allocating that political power to whiter, more rural places that incarcerated people often have no connection to.

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