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HOY: Common Cause Pennsylvania testificará a favor de los cambios en el mapa legislativo estatal para representar de manera justa la creciente diversidad de la población del estado

La Comisión de Redistribución de Distritos Legislativos de Pensilvania se reunirá hoy para celebrar una cuarta audiencia sobre los mapas propuestos para los distritos de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado del estado. Se invita al público a brindar testimonio, durante el cual Common Cause Pennsylvania abogará por cambios en los mapas propuestos que proporcionen un poder de voto igualitario a todos los habitantes del estado, independientemente de su raza, etnia o código postal.

HARRISBURG, PA — The Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission will meet today to hold a fourth hearing on the proposed maps for the State House and Senate districts. The public is invited to provide testimony, during which Common Cause Pennsylvania will advocate for changes to the proposed maps that provide equal voting power to everyone in the commonwealth, regardless of race, ethnicity, or zip code. As the maps are currently drawn, voters of color are unfairly and disproportionately impacted, with lines splitting neighborhoods in a way that dilutes voters’ voice at the ballot box and makes it more difficult for voters to choose their leaders.  

To view a livestream of the hearing beginning at 1:00 p.m. ET, haga clic aquí 

Below is the statement of Khalif Ali, Executive Director of Common Cause Pennsylvania.  

“We commend the members of the LRC, under the leadership of Chair Nordenberg, for taking on the difficult but essential task of redistricting Pennsylvania’s 203 House districts and 50 Senate districts.  The draft maps provide a strong starting point – they are generally more compact than the current map and do a better job of protecting communities and providing Black, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous, and other communities of color an equal voice in our democracy.  However, we strongly encourage the LRC to take note of the public testimony and adjust the draft maps to eliminate instances where municipalities are split more times than necessary making it more difficult for voters in that municipality to elect someone who can address their unique concerns and seek alternative configurations that provide greater voting power to BIPOC communities who have historically been disenfranchised. 

We appreciate the work of the LRC to incorporate community feedback into the maps to ensure our future elections are free and fair for every voter. Without significant changes, we run the risk of diluting the voting power of Pennsylvanians of color who have been historically silenced in our political process. That’s why we look forward to working with state leaders and the community to ensure we all have a voice in our government, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background.” 

To view Common Cause Pennsylvania’s testimony, haga clic aquí 



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