
Communiqué de presse

Federal Judge J. Nicholas Ranjan Affirms Re-election of Sen. Jim Brewster

Common Cause calls on our elected officials to demonstrate the type of leadership that will reinstill confidence in our democracy. Pennsylvanians deserve nothing less. Jim Brewster was chosen by his constituents to represent them. Common Cause Pennsylvania urges the Senate to immediately seat him.

Déclaration de Common Cause du directeur exécutif de Pennsylvanie, Khalif Ali

In November, Pennsylvania’s voters cast their ballots in unprecedented numbers in our secure election. The results of that election are clear. They have been confirmed through the certification process and through numerous legal challenges. It is time for the Pennsylvania Senate to seat Senator Jim Brewster and move forward with doing the people’s work. 

This year, too many politicians seem to have forgotten that America is governed ‘by the people.’ The right of the people to have their voices heard and their ballots counted is fundamental to our form of government. Common Cause knows that democracy is a process and fully supports the utilization of our independent judiciary as a check and balance on our government. But when that system has spoken — not once, but twice — it is time to accept the results. 

This case never had anything to do with voter intent or voter eligibility. Instead, it was an attempted end-run around the decision of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. That is not what our court system is built for. 

Elected officials are supposed to listen to and represent their constituents. The people of the 45th Senate District have been without a voice for too long. Senator Jake Corman’s statement on Friday was a partisan ruse to undermine the will of the people and to cast aspersions on the independence of our judiciary. Our elected officials must work to uphold our democratic processes, even if they disagree with the outcome.  

Judge Ranjan’s decision should be the final ruling in this case. We must all accept the results of the litigation and the election. It is time to move past the 2020 election and work together to deal with challenges that lie ahead. We’re facing a continuing COVID-19 pandemic, racial injustice, an increasing budget deficit and people are struggling to make ends meet. Pennsylvanians are suffering. Let’s move forward — with a government that is ‘of the people, by the people’ and ‘for the people.’ Common Cause calls on our elected officials to demonstrate the type of leadership that will reinstill confidence in our democracy. Pennsylvanians deserve nothing less. 

Jim Brewster was chosen by his constituents to represent them. Common Cause Pennsylvania urges the Senate to immediately seat him.

Read today’s decision by US District Judge J. Nicholas Ranjan ici.



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