
Communiqué de presse

Le Comité de redécoupage législatif approuve les cartes législatives préliminaires de l'État

Bien que nous apprécions l’approche réfléchie et prudente adoptée par le LRC pour élaborer les cartes de la Pennsylvanie, les cartes préliminaires approuvées aujourd’hui ne sont que la première étape pour garantir un processus de redécoupage électoral juste, transparent et participatif.

Earlier today, the Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission (LRC) voted to approve draft maps for the state’s senate and house districts. The public will now have 30 days to review and provide comment on the maps before the LRC votes to approve the final maps.  

Statement of Khalif Ali, Common Cause Pennsylvania Executive Director

While we appreciate the thoughtful and careful approach that the LRC has taken to craft Pennsylvania’s maps, the preliminary maps approved today are only the first step in securing a fair, transparent, and participatory redistricting process. The next immediate step is for state leaders to engage the public in a robust, once-a-decade debate. That means requiring extensive outreach to every neighborhood, a chance for every voter to review and comment on maps, and a published timeline of public hearings.  

Our elected leaders have committed to a transparent and accountable process, and now it’s time to follow through on that commitment with actions. 

The people of Pennsylvania deserve a transparent and accountable process that invites all of us to have a say, regardless of our political affiliation, background, or where we live. And that means making sure the voters—not just the politicians—are at the table. This also means inviting voters from communities of color to have a say, not just the usual suspects.  

Common Cause is in the process of reviewing the maps and will provide comment in the coming weeks. We are particularly concerned with ensuring that Pennsylvania communities are protected and that all Pennsylvanians, but especially Black, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander, and other voters of color have an equal opportunity to elect a candidate of their choice.  We understand that much of this conversation will focus on the partisan implications of the proposed maps, however, we strongly encourage the LRC to seek input from communities and to address any concerns they may have about the maps.  

To secure maps that give us the power to hold our elected leaders accountable, this year’s redistricting process must include substantial time for every voice and every community to be heard. Anything less is unworthy of the people of Pennsylvania.  



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