
Communiqué de presse

Voting Rights Advocates’ Statement in Response to Appeals Court Ruling in Trump v. Boockvar

“Once again, this court decision is a win for voters. We’re glad that this court, also, recognized the lack of evidence and lack of merit in this lawsuit. In America, voters choose our elected officials. Pennsylvania’s voters made a collective decision, weeks ago, and that decision needs to be honored.”

PHILADELPHIA – A federal appeals court in Philadelphia today upheld a district court ruling that denied President Trump’s attempt to block certification of Pennsylvania’s election results and to discard valid and legally cast ballots, dealing a near-fatal blow to the Trump campaign’s attempt to interfere with democracy in the commonwealth.

Intervenors in the case included Black Political Empowerment Project, Common Cause Pennsylvania, League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, NAACP Pennsylvania State Conference, and eight impacted voters, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, national ACLU, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Public Interest Law Center, and the law firm Covington & Burling LLP.

The coalition of voting rights advocates responded to the ruling with the following statements:

Witold Walczak, directeur juridique de l'ACLU de Pennsylvanie: “While Trump’s lawsuit is legal farce, his intent to overthrow American democracy is dangerous fact. The voters have spoken in record numbers, and it is time to end this painful chapter in American history.”

Tim Stevens, chairman and CEO of The Black Political Empowerment Project: “As the founder of an organization that advocates that African Americans vote in each and every election and that our votes count, I am elated that our system of democracy worked in the midst of the most serious threat to that democracy that I have witnessed in my lifetime. Hopefully, the healing can now begin, and our commonwealth and our citizens will never again witness such an assault on who we are as a nation.”

Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of Lawyers’ Committee For Civil Rights Under Law: “How many losses are President Trump and his allies willing to endure in their futile and baseless attempts to use the courts as a forum to rewrite the election outcome? Once again, the court has made clear that there is no legal basis to subvert the will of voters.”

Sophia Lin Lakin, deputy director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project: “The Trump campaign should end its pathetic and futile attempts to subvert democracy and ignore the will of the people. The voters have spoken.”

Derrick Johnson, president and CEO of the NAACP: “We are pleased with the court’s decision to uphold democracy and allow the people’s will to prevail in the face of ridiculous suppression efforts. We must remain resolute and committed to protecting millions of Americans’ votes as the Trump campaign attempts to undermine our democracy.”

Terrie Griffin, co-president of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania: “Today’s decision affirms one thing: every vote matters. No one should have to fear that their timely cast ballot could be erased and their voice silenced just because a candidate doesn’t agree with their vote. The people have spoken, the courts have spoken, and the baseless attacks against voters must now cease.”

Mimi McKenzie, legal director at the Public Interest Law Center: “The Trump campaign’s attempts to subvert democracy have been deeply concerning. But it is reassuring that yet again a court has outright rejected their efforts to disenfranchise Pennsylvania voters.”

Suzanne Almeida, elections advisor for Common Cause Pennsylvania: “Once again, this court decision is a win for voters. We’re glad that this court, also, recognized the lack of evidence and lack of merit in this lawsuit. In America, voters choose our elected officials. Pennsylvania’s voters made a collective decision, weeks ago, and that decision needs to be honored.”

Read the decision online ici.

Read more about the case ici.



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