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233개 결과

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필터 재설정



233개 결과

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필터 재설정

Anti-Voter Package Moving Quickly Through Pennsylvania Legislature

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Anti-Voter Package Moving Quickly Through Pennsylvania Legislature

The bill will cost almost $92 million, which “could be spent improving the lives of Pennsylvanians – rather than funding legislation that will make it harder for us to vote.”

Senate Republicans send sweeping elections reform bill to Wolf, who has promised a veto

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Senate Republicans send sweeping elections reform bill to Wolf, who has promised a veto

In a separate statement, Common Cause PA executive director Khalif Ali said a fiscal statement revealed a one-time implementation cost for the bill’s requirements at $99 million with annual costs approaching $19 million.

“That’s an awful lot of taxpayer money for the Legislature to spend, to implement a bill that will make it harder for us to cast ballots and have our voices heard,” Ali said.

Pennsylvania House and Senate Committees Consider Proposals to Make Voting More Difficult

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Pennsylvania House and Senate Committees Consider Proposals to Make Voting More Difficult

Common Cause Pennsylvania adamantly opposes both proposals. HB 1300 in its current form will place multiple restrictions on the voting process that millions of Pennsylvanians have come to depend on. SB 735 is expected to lower turnout among Black, young and new voters.

애리조나 샴 선거 검토로 투표용지와 투표 기계가 파괴되었습니다.

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애리조나 샴 선거 검토로 투표용지와 투표 기계가 파괴되었습니다.

펜실베이니아 상원의원 더그 마스트리아노는 어제 애리조나 주 박람회장을 방문했는데, 그곳에서 사기꾼 컨설턴트들이 2020년 11월 총선에 대한 허위 검토를 진행하고 있었습니다. 투표 기계와 투표용지는 그 과정에서 돌이킬 수 없이 파괴되었습니다. 그는 펜실베이니아에서 그 과정을 재현할 것을 제안하고 있습니다.

Common Cause PA Presents “Introduction to Redistricting”

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Common Cause PA Presents “Introduction to Redistricting”

The second webinar in the “Demystifying Democracy” series explained the upcoming redistricting process to Pennsylvanians from across the political spectrum. A recording of the event is available.

Luzerne County mail-in ballot concerns draw attention to Primary Election

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Luzerne County mail-in ballot concerns draw attention to Primary Election

However Common Cause, an election integrity group which prides itself as a network of democracy experts says it’s a matter of human error.

“Don’t get me wrong, the timing is great but we don’t consider it to be a systemic issue so we’re not ready to raise any red flags just yet," said Khalif Ali, Executive Director of Common Cause.

Ali says it’s still important to vote.

Pennsylvania could finally have open primaries for independent voters

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Pennsylvania could finally have open primaries for independent voters

“Citizens should have the right to have input on anyone who has the potential to represent them, regardless of what they’re registered as,” Khalif Ali, the executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, told City & State.

PA Supreme Court Appoints Chair of Legislative Reapportionment Commission – Without Any Public Process or Input

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PA Supreme Court Appoints Chair of Legislative Reapportionment Commission – Without Any Public Process or Input

While we appreciate the quick work of the Court and congratulate Mr. Nordenberg on his appointment, we are disappointed that the process was conducted exclusively behind closed doors and that the LRC once again does not reflect the broad diversity that makes Pennsylvania special. 

Pa. redistricting process could impact state politics for the next decade

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Pa. redistricting process could impact state politics for the next decade

Khalif Ali, Executive Director of Common Cause PA says many are hopeful they pick someone who brings balance.

“A person who is impartial, who can leave the politics at home, and really decide on a fair map that represents the people of Pennsylvania,” Ali said.


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