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Experts say voters will have the final say on register of wills’ job performance

“It undermines the confidence in government when elected officials don’t live up to their responsibility.”

This article originally appeared in Trib Live on February 3, 2024 and was written by Rich Cholodofsky.  

Philip Hensley-Robin, executive director of Common Cause of Pennsylvania, a nonpartisan nonprofit advocacy group for good government, said elected officials such as Hamilton have no direct requirement to show up to work. But they do have a responsibility to ensure the mandated duties of their office are performed.

“Failure to do that is a fraud on the citizens and taxpayers. Absent a criminal violation, the democratic process is the solution here,” Hensley-Robin said. “It undermines the confidence in government when elected officials don’t live up to their responsibility.”

To read the full article, click here. 


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