

대법원의 우편 투표 거부에 대한 성명

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대법원의 우편 투표 거부에 대한 성명

"우리는 법원의 잘못된 결정에 강력히 반대하지만, Common Cause Pennsylvania는 모든 유권자가 투표의 자유를 행사할 수 있도록 계속 도울 것입니다."

미디어 연락처

케이티 스칼리

커뮤니케이션 디렉터
(408) 205-1257


234 Results

~을 통해

필터 재설정



234 Results

~을 통해

필터 재설정

BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Gerrymandering A Guide to Congressional Redistricting, Dark Money, and the U.S. Supreme Court

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BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Gerrymandering A Guide to Congressional Redistricting, Dark Money, and the U.S. Supreme Court

“If you care about building an inclusive democracy, that lifts all people’s voices, then Kury’s book is a must read. It presents the real life drama of gerrymandering that is more spellbinding than any spy novel. And it gives practical guidance for activists that is easier to follow than an IKEA manual. Bravo!”
-KATHAY FENG, national redistricting chair for Common Cause

The Fight Doesn’t End, Redistricting Reform Will Move Forward

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The Fight Doesn’t End, Redistricting Reform Will Move Forward

On Monday, June 25th the Pennsylvania legislative assembly adjourned for what is probably the final time until September without passing redistricting reform legislation. During recent weeks heavy activity was focused on attempts to pass a redistricting bill to improve the process of drawing congressional and legislative maps in Pennsylvania.

18 Plaintiffs Who Challenged Pennsylvania Gerrymander Receive Democracy Defender Award

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18 Plaintiffs Who Challenged Pennsylvania Gerrymander Receive Democracy Defender Award

On May 21st Common Cause Pennsylvania presented the Democracy Defender Awards to the eighteen plaintiffs of the PA Supreme Court gerrymandering case during the Democracy Works Summit, held at the Sheraton Downtown Hotel in Philadelphia. The award is given to a group, organization or individual who has displayed commitment to achieving democracy in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The plaintiffs, who represented each of Pennsylvania’s 18 congressional districts, provided testimony on the adverse impacts of the extreme partisan gerrymander...

Senate Bill 22 Only a Half Measure to Fix Gerrymandering

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Senate Bill 22 Only a Half Measure to Fix Gerrymandering

On Tuesday, May 22nd the Senate State Government Committee took a small step in the right direction toward fixing our broken redistricting process, but there is much more work to be done. Committee Chairs Mike Folmer, Anthony Williams and their colleagues responded to the outcry of Senator Lisa Boscola, concerned citizens, and reformers to fix the dysfunctional way Pennsylvania handles the drawing of congressional and legislative districts.


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