
Informacja prasowa

Komisja Specjalna do Zbadania Ataku z 6 Stycznia: Kongresmen USA Perry Ubiegał Się O Ułaskawienie Prezydenckie

W tygodniach po 6 stycznia 2021 r. Common Cause Pennsylvania wezwało Rep. Perry'ego do rezygnacji. „Zamiast przestrzegać Konstytucji, jak przysiągł w swojej przysiędze urzędowej, podważył samą demokrację, której wybraliśmy go, aby służył i ją chronił”.

Last night, Select Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney stated that US Rep. Scott Perry “contacted the White House in the weeks after January 6th to seek a Presidential Pardon. Multiple other Republican congressmen also sought Presidential Pardons for their roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election.”

In the weeks after January 6, 2021, Common Cause Pennsylvania called on Rep. Perry to resign. “Instead of upholding the Constitution, as he swore to do in his Oath of Office, he has subverted the very democracy we elected him to serve and protect.” Read more Tutaj.


Oświadczenie dyrektora wykonawczego Common Cause Pennsylvania Khalifa Aliego

We are deeply concerned by Vice Chair Cheney’s statement last night that Congressman Perry and others sought presidential pardons for their actions to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

Voters deserve to have elected officials who respect our votes, regardless of the outcome.

What we have seen, since the November 2020 election, indicates that Rep. Perry and others acted to force the election outcome they wanted – rather than accept the decision made by voters.

The rule of law must apply to everyone. We look forward to hearing more from the Select Committee about their evidence that Rep. Perry sought a preemptive presidential pardon. Seeking a pardon is not a step taken lightly and indicates that Rep. Perry knew that his actions ran counter to his constitutional duty.

We appreciate the diligence with which the Select Committee has been conducting its investigation.

We look forward to Wszystko participants in this insurrection being held accountable.



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