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Katie Scally

Dyrektor ds. komunikacji
(408) 205-1257


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Redistricting reformers want changes to how political maps are drawn

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Redistricting reformers want changes to how political maps are drawn

After years of attempting to get lawmakers to change how state legislative and congressional districts are drawn, redistricting reform advocates had to drop attempts to have political maps drawn by an independent commission.

Common Cause Pennsylvania wzywa do uczciwego, przejrzystego procesu podziału okręgów wyborczych skupionego wokół „nas, ludzi”

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Common Cause Pennsylvania wzywa do uczciwego, przejrzystego procesu podziału okręgów wyborczych skupionego wokół „nas, ludzi”

Zalecenia obejmują: „Ostateczna mapa okręgów wyborczych nie powinna, rozpatrywana w skali całego stanu, bezprawnie faworyzować ani dyskryminować żadnej partii politycznej, kandydata lub urzędującego urzędnika”.

Hearings begin this week on Pennsylvania legislative, congressional redistricting

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Hearings begin this week on Pennsylvania legislative, congressional redistricting

The first of the hearings in Harrisburg will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, and feature presentations from advocacy leaders and experts including Common Cause of Pennsylvania Executive Director Khalif Ali, Fair District PA Chair Carol Kuniholm and Temple University’s Lee Hachadoorian.

Redistricting advocates tell Pa. House leaders that transparency an absolute necessity in mapping process

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Redistricting advocates tell Pa. House leaders that transparency an absolute necessity in mapping process

Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, recommended that lawmakers start from a blank map, disregarding any existing boundaries and building their own based on public testimony. It might take longer to create, he said, “but we believe that the time spent will result in a map that will be far more representative to the people of the Commonwealth.” Could this practice disadvantage current incumbents? Sure, but protecting incumbents shouldn’t be the goal of redistricting, Mr. Ali said.

Zalecenia dotyczące wyznaczania okręgów kongresowych: „Zacznij od pustej mapy”

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Zalecenia dotyczące wyznaczania okręgów kongresowych: „Zacznij od pustej mapy”

„Uważamy, że redistricting powinien być sprawiedliwy, dostępny i neutralny politycznie. Co najważniejsze, uważamy, że aby odnieść sukces, proces redistricting musi celowo dążyć do zapewnienia, że każdy mieszkaniec Pensylwanii, niezależnie od kodu pocztowego, rasy, pochodzenia etnicznego, pierwszego języka lub zawodu, ma równe szanse na wybranie przedstawiciela, który podziela jego wartości i doświadczenie życiowe” — powie Komitetowi dyrektor wykonawczy Common Cause Pennsylvania Khalif Ali.

WATCH: A live reader Q&A on how lawmakers spend millions of taxpayer dollars on perks

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WATCH: A live reader Q&A on how lawmakers spend millions of taxpayer dollars on perks

On Wednesday, July 28 at 5 p.m., Spotlight PA’s Angela Couloumbis; Sam Janesch, Brad Bumsted, and Mike Wereschagin of The Caucus; and Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, participated in a free Q&A on state lawmaker expenses.

Pa. GOP lawmakers promise ‘new level of transparency’ in Congressional redistricting plan

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Pa. GOP lawmakers promise ‘new level of transparency’ in Congressional redistricting plan

“We look forward to working with members of both parties — and, most importantly, Black, Latinx, Asian/Pacific Islander, Indigenous, and other communities of color who have historically been left out of the redistricting process — to ensure that everyone in Pennsylvania has an equal opportunity to be represented by someone who shares their values and lived experience,” Executive Director Khalif Ali said. “As part of that work, we will be supporting communities in presenting testimony and drawing maps that allow them to tell their...

Republikanie z Izby Reprezentantów ogłaszają środki przejrzystości w zakresie ponownego podziału okręgów wyborczych w Kongresie

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Republikanie z Izby Reprezentantów ogłaszają środki przejrzystości w zakresie ponownego podziału okręgów wyborczych w Kongresie

„Chwalimy Zgromadzenie Ogólne Pensylwanii, a w szczególności lidera większości Kerry'ego Benninghoffa, przedstawicielkę Wendy Thomas i przewodniczącego Setha Grove'a za ich dzisiejsze zaangażowanie na rzecz przejrzystego, dostępnego i partycypacyjnego procesu ponownego podziału okręgów wyborczych”.  

Gov. Wolf’s Vetoes Save Voters’ Access, Save Taxpayers $100+ million

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Gov. Wolf’s Vetoes Save Voters’ Access, Save Taxpayers $100+ million

'We – and the taxpayers of Pennsylvania – thank Gov. Wolf for his vetoes today. Today’s vetoes help quantify the financial cost of the anti-voter legislation being passed around the country. In actual dollars-and-cents, making it harder to vote would have cost $99 million in upfront costs and another $19 million in annual recurring costs.'

Keystone Votes Coalition Urges Veto of H.B. 1300

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Keystone Votes Coalition Urges Veto of H.B. 1300

Members of the nonpartisan Keystone Votes coalition today urged the governor to veto House Bill 1300, a sweeping but controversial set of GOP-backed legislative election reforms.

Pennsylvania Senate Passes Anti-Voter Bill

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Pennsylvania Senate Passes Anti-Voter Bill

The state Senate has just passed HB 1300, a package of voting law changes that includes provisions to make voting more difficult, particularly for Black, Brown and low income voters. We thank Governor Wolf for his promise to quickly veto it

Pennsylvania Senate Votes to Create ‘Barrier to Casting a Ballot’

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Pennsylvania Senate Votes to Create ‘Barrier to Casting a Ballot’

Legislators who seek to ‘legislate by constitutional amendment’ devalue our state’s Constitution. If our elected officials want to create barriers to voting, they can attempt to use the ordinary legislative process. In fact, that’s already underway.



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