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Common Cause Pennsylvania Calls For Representative Scott Perry to Resign

Rep. Perry has been on a months-long collision course to undermine the will of not only the people of his own state, but the will of Georgia voters as well. He has stoked conspiracy theories, called for the decertification of Pennsylvania’s votes following an unprecedented insurrection on the Nation’s Capitol, and now has been found having a direct hand in Donald Trump’s attempt to weaponize the Department of Justice for his own personal gain. For these reasons, he must resign.

The behavior of Rep. Scott Perry, revealed in this weekend’s New York Times story, demonstrated what residents of Pennsylvania already knew: Scott Perry does not respect a government of ‘We the People.’ 

Rep. Perry has been on a months-long collision course to undermine the will of not only the people of his own state, but the will of Georgia voters as well. He has stoked conspiracy theories, called for the decertification of Pennsylvania’s votes following an unprecedented insurrection on the Nation’s Capitol, and now has been found having a direct hand in Donald Trump’s attempt to weaponize the Department of Justice for his own personal gain. 

For these reasons, he must resign. If he continues to refuse to resign, the House must open an ethics investigation into this heinous conduct. 

Instead of upholding the Constitution, as he swore to do in his Oath of Office, he has subverted the very democracy we elected him to serve and protect. 

His efforts to overturn the November 3rd election are particularly offensive given the work that Black, Latinx, AAPI and other leaders put into ensuring that voters of color could cast ballots and have their voices heard — both here and in Georgia. 

Scott Perry has repeatedly failed the people of Pennsylvania, and placed his own career ahead of his solemn duty to us, the people he is supposed to represent. 

There must be consequences. Pennsylvania’s voters deserve to have our choices respected. Our elected officials must not be allowed to undermine our elections. We deserve so much better. 

Scott Perry must resign.



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