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Common Cause Shifts Leadership In Pennsylvania

(Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C.) – After three years of leading Common Cause Pennsylvania, Micah Sims is leaving his role as executive director. Suzanne Almeida will serve as interim-executive director while a search for permanent staff is conducted. Sims will continue the fight for an engaging, reflective, and representative democracy in America through ministry, business and other new opportunities. 

“Micah is powerhouse and we appreciate the energy and enthusiasm he brings to everything he does,” said Karen Hobert Flynn, president of  Common Cause. “The good work Micah did to lift Common Cause Pennsylvania, taking on the fight for fair maps, building strong coalitions, and shifting power from politicians to the people, makes this moment a challenge for us all,” Hobert Flynn said. “We wish Micah and his family the best and know he’ll continue to do good work for the people of Pennsylvania,” Hobert Flynn said.  

“Common Cause is more than an organization. Irepresents core values of democracy we share as Americans, regardless of background or belief. It’s important for every individual to embrace these values of fairness, transparency, and accountability as we demand a stronger democracy the works for all of us. These are values Common Cause lives and they will remain with me as part of anything and everything I do,” Sims said. 

“Suzanne Almeida’s ability to step into the interim-director role means Common Cause Pennsylvania will not miss a beat during this pivotal legislative session for Pennsylvanians. She is on our national redistricting team working from Harrisburg and knows Pennsylvania and the legislature well from her days leading the League of Women Voters,” said Hobert Flynn. 

“Pennsylvanians made clear we want fair elections and fair maps and Common Cause Pennsylvania is doing the hard work to deliver. I will be hitting the ground running starting today,” Almeida said. Prior to joining Common Cause, Almeida served as the mixecutive director of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania (2016-18), and as a program director for Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts (2012-15). She graduated from Temple Law School in 2010. 

Common Cause is a nationwide, nonpartisan advocacy and watchdog organization advancing a bold, comprehensive solutions agenda to build a democracy that works for all of us. Common Cause marks its 50th anniversary focused on the acute threats posed to democracy and looking ahead to 50 more years in which the challenges will be different, but the need for the people to be organized, observant, and engaged in self-government will be more important than ever. 



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