
Press Release

Video Links and Quotes from Today’s Virtual Press Conference: “Sign, Date, Deliver” Voter Education Campaign

This morning, a panel of voting rights leaders held a virtual press conference to educate voters on the importance of correctly dating their ballots in the November midterm election.

HARRISBURG—This morning, a panel of voting rights leaders held a virtual press conference to educate voters on the importance of correctly dating their ballots in the November midterm election. The group reminded voters to correctly date their ballot and to hand deliver or use a drop box as voters risk missing the November 8 deadline if they mail back their ballot.

The coalition held the event in response to the State Supreme Court’s ruling that any undated or incorrectly dated ballots will not be counted. In addition to informing voters about how to make sure their ballot is counted, the group reminded voters about key information and what resources are available to them on Election Day.

Voters who have any questions about the voting process or encounter any problems can contact the nonpartisan Election Protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE. Voters can call or text the hotline to connect with experts who can help voters navigate any issues and ensure their voice is counted. The hotline is available in multiple languages, other than English: 

  • Spanish :(888-VE-Y-VOTA/888-839-8682)  
  • Arabic: (844-YALLA-US/844-925-5287) and  
  • Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Koren and other Asian languages: (888-API-VOTE/888-274-8683). 

In case you missed today’s media briefing, you can find the video link to the recording here.  

Select quotes from the briefing, in order of speakers, are below.

Regarding the importance of voting in this election:
“Voting rights strengthen our democracy and are the gateway to all other rights and issues that we care about as Pennsylvanians. We want to be sure all voters know Election Day is a celebration of our rights and freedoms. If voters encounter any challenges or questions to casting a ballot this year, you can call or text 866- OUR-VOTE to be connected to experts who can help,” said Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania.

Regarding the impact on accessibility of vote-by-mail for Pennsylvanians of color: 
Vote by mail is essential for immigrants, people of color, poor folks, Black folks, hourly workers, seniors, and people who don’t speak English. Voting by mail is accessible and allows voters to take their time and research what is on the ballot and make the best choice for them. Make sure your ballot is signed and dated on the back of the envelope in order for it to be counted. We are encouraging everyone to hand deliver your ballot using a drop box so it’s received by 8 p.m. on Tuesday November 8, said Maegan Llerena, executive director of Make the Road Pennsylvania. 

Regarding the safety, security, and popularity of voting-by-mail:
“Vote by mail increases access to ballots for many communities across the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As voters, we have embraced vote by mail and the courts have consistently upheld the law, ruling repeatedly against attacks on our right to vote by mail. In fact, over 1.4 million people in Pennsylvania requested to vote by mail for this election day, November 8. Voting by mail is the law and voting by mail is a right every single one of us deserves,” said Salewa Ogunmefun, executive director of Pennsylvania Voice.

Regarding election workers’ efforts to provide a safe and smooth voting experience for all:
“Everyone deserves to feel safe when they count their ballot. Pennsylvanians are once again proving our voices will be heard and are ready to turn out in record numbers. We will not be silenced. Thankfully, despite threats of harassment and intimidation, there are guardrails in place to protect voters at the polls. We know Pennsylvanians see through these efforts and are coming together to make sure we can have our voices heard in this election,” said Nick Pressley, Pennsylvania state director of All Voting is Local. 


To view the recording of this event, click here. 


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