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A política de registro automático de eleitores da Pensilvânia aumentará a participação ou as preocupações com a segurança das eleições?

Esperamos que o registro automático de eleitores ajude a dar a mais pessoas a oportunidade de votar no futuro.

Este artigo apareceu originalmente in TribLive on September 21, 2023 and was written by Ryan Deto. 

Christina Hartman, advisory board chair of the nonpartisan voting rights group Common Cause Pennsylvania, said automatic voting registration hopefully will have a positive impact on voter turnout.

Turnout has been increasing in recent years. More than 76% of Pennsylvania’s registered voters cast ballots in the 2020 presidential election, the state’s highest figure since 1992. That still left nearly one-quarter of registered voters out of the process, and even more people who were eligible to vote but weren’t registered.

“Giving more Pennsylvanians a chance to have a say in the future of our families, communities and the state of Pennsylvania is a win,” Hartman said in a statement.

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