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(408) 205-1257


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Arizona Sham Election Review Has Destroyed Ballots and Voting Machines

Press Release

Arizona Sham Election Review Has Destroyed Ballots and Voting Machines

Pennsylvania Sen. Doug Mastriano visited the Arizona State Fairgrounds yesterday, where charlatan consultants have been conducting a sham review of the November 2020 general election. Voting machines and ballots have been irrevocably destroyed in the process. He is  proposing to replicate the process in Pennsylvania.

Common Cause PA Presents “Introduction to Redistricting”

Press Release

Common Cause PA Presents “Introduction to Redistricting”

The second webinar in the “Demystifying Democracy” series explained the upcoming redistricting process to Pennsylvanians from across the political spectrum. A recording of the event is available.

Luzerne County mail-in ballot concerns draw attention to Primary Election

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Luzerne County mail-in ballot concerns draw attention to Primary Election

However Common Cause, an election integrity group which prides itself as a network of democracy experts says it’s a matter of human error.

“Don’t get me wrong, the timing is great but we don’t consider it to be a systemic issue so we’re not ready to raise any red flags just yet," said Khalif Ali, Executive Director of Common Cause.

Ali says it’s still important to vote.

Pennsylvania could finally have open primaries for independent voters

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Pennsylvania could finally have open primaries for independent voters

“Citizens should have the right to have input on anyone who has the potential to represent them, regardless of what they’re registered as,” Khalif Ali, the executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, told City & State.

PA Supreme Court Appoints Chair of Legislative Reapportionment Commission – Without Any Public Process or Input

Press Release

PA Supreme Court Appoints Chair of Legislative Reapportionment Commission – Without Any Public Process or Input

While we appreciate the quick work of the Court and congratulate Mr. Nordenberg on his appointment, we are disappointed that the process was conducted exclusively behind closed doors and that the LRC once again does not reflect the broad diversity that makes Pennsylvania special. 

Pa. redistricting process could impact state politics for the next decade

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Pa. redistricting process could impact state politics for the next decade

Khalif Ali, Executive Director of Common Cause PA says many are hopeful they pick someone who brings balance.

“A person who is impartial, who can leave the politics at home, and really decide on a fair map that represents the people of Pennsylvania,” Ali said.

Common Cause Pennsylvania Recommends Elections Improvements to add Transparency, Give Voters More Choices for How to Cast Ballots

Press Release

Common Cause Pennsylvania Recommends Elections Improvements to add Transparency, Give Voters More Choices for How to Cast Ballots

“Every eligible Pennsylvanian wants to – and should – have a say in deciding which people and policies will determine the future for our families, community, and country. Pennsylvanians are not going to have faith in our government if there are new barriers to participation. The public reaction to Georgia’s anti-voter legislation shows exactly that -- cutting access leads to greater distrust.”

Pittsburgh mayoral candidates discuss policing, economic development in 2nd public forum

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Pittsburgh mayoral candidates discuss policing, economic development in 2nd public forum

Hosted by Pittsburgh United and moderated by Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, the forum was an opportunity for Mayor Bill Peduto, state Rep. Ed Gainey, retired police officer Tony Moreno and math tutor/ride-share driver Michael Thompson to answer questions and debate issues ranging from policing to city infrastructure.


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