

Featured Press

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Katie Scally

Director of communications
(408) 205-1257


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Representative Mark Rozzi’s Speakership “A Breath of Fresh Air”  

Press Release

Representative Mark Rozzi’s Speakership “A Breath of Fresh Air”  

"I share Rep. Rozzi’s frustration at the broken communication and unwillingness to compromise that we’ve seen in the legislature these last few weeks. His vision for this year’s session — and his commitment to work in the interest of the people of Pennsylvania — is a breath of fresh air."

Act 77 Upheld by PA Supreme Court

Press Release

Act 77 Upheld by PA Supreme Court

"This decision ensures that millions of Pennsylvania voters can continue to cast their ballots safely and conveniently in the manner they choose. Act 77 was passed with strong bipartisan support for good reason – making voting easier and more accessible is the right thing to do." 

PA Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee votes in the middle of the night to change PA Constitution

Press Release

PA Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee votes in the middle of the night to change PA Constitution

Republicans plan to spend millions of taxpayer dollars to place these measures on a municipal primary election ballot – where maybe one-in-five voters will see them and be able to voice their opinion on them. Each constitutional amendment costs around $2 million in advertising costs. So far, if passed as-is, SB106 will cost taxpayers $12 million before they even have a chance to vote on them. 

Common Cause Pennsylvania Urges Governor Wolf to Veto Bill that would Allow Partisan Poll Watchers to Come from Anywhere in Pennsylvania

Press Release

Common Cause Pennsylvania Urges Governor Wolf to Veto Bill that would Allow Partisan Poll Watchers to Come from Anywhere in Pennsylvania

Poll watchers are empowered to make “challenges to an elector's identity, continued residence in the election district, or qualifications as an eligible voter” -- things that someone from outside the community would have no way of knowing.


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