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Common Cause Pennsylvania запускает программу защиты выборов 2024 года


Common Cause Pennsylvania запускает программу защиты выборов 2024 года

«Несмотря на высокий уровень энтузиазма избирателей, мы хотим убедиться, что все избиратели знают свои права и смогут свободно проголосовать в день выборов».

Контакты для СМИ

Кэти Скалли

Директор по коммуникациям
(408) 205-1257


233 Результата


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Pennsylvania LRC Rolls Back Decision; Will Allocate Only Some Incarcerated People in Their Home Districts


Pennsylvania LRC Rolls Back Decision; Will Allocate Only Some Incarcerated People in Their Home Districts

Today, the Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission voted to approve a resolution that effectively rolls back the much-needed prison gerrymandering reforms passed last month. The resolution seeks to count incarcerated people whose sentences are ten years or longer at the location they are currently housed in, rather than in their communities.  

Senate Committee to Vote Today on Subpoenas of Voters’ Personal Information


Senate Committee to Vote Today on Subpoenas of Voters’ Personal Information

"These subpoenas are a frightening violation of voters’ privacy and an egregious abuse of power. State regulations specifically exempt certain information from public release, because of privacy concerns --  but these subpoenas would require the Department of State to provide that information anyway." 

Pennsylvania GOP lawmakers approve wide-ranging subpoenas for personal information of 2020 voters

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Pennsylvania GOP lawmakers approve wide-ranging subpoenas for personal information of 2020 voters

Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, a good-government advocacy group that works on issues related to voter access, called the subpoenas approved Wednesday a “frightening violation of voters’ privacy and an egregious abuse of power.”

“There’s no explanation about what they intend to do with the information, or why they think they need it,” he said in a statement. “They also have not announced any plans for security measures to protect the information from disclosure. … Pennsylvanians...

New report about voting in Pennsylvania jails shows each county runs things differently, creating a patchwork of policies across the state

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New report about voting in Pennsylvania jails shows each county runs things differently, creating a patchwork of policies across the state

“You have jails with the actual policies in place, and there’s a gap between the policy and actual implementation,” said Khalif Ali, head of Common Cause Pennsylvania. “If you simply say, ‘Oh, yeah, you guys can vote,’ and there’s nothing else, you’re essentially telling them: ‘Figure it out.’”

Want to see in real time how Pa. state universities do business? Your window may be closing

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Want to see in real time how Pa. state universities do business? Your window may be closing

“The goal of the Sunshine Act is to encourage and guarantee the public’s right to participate in government decision making, and all agencies should take steps to make it easier for the public to attend public meetings,” she said. “ When virtual technology is used in addition to in-person public meetings, it can result in increased public participation.’’

Khalif Ali, executive director of Pennsylvania Common Cause, offered a similar view.

Законодательная комиссия по перераспределению голосов проголосовала за подсчет заключенных в округах 


Законодательная комиссия по перераспределению голосов проголосовала за подсчет заключенных в округах 

Голосование по вопросу о распределении заключенных по их родным округам, а не по округам, где они находятся в заключении, является важным шагом на пути к созданию полностью представительных законодательных округов в Пенсильвании.  

Pa. ends ‘prison gerrymandering’ with closely divided committee vote

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Pa. ends ‘prison gerrymandering’ with closely divided committee vote

Khalif Ali, who directs Pennsylvania’s chapter of government accountability nonprofit Common Cause, called the change “is an important step toward fully representative legislative districts in Pennsylvania” that has been “a long time coming.”

New Census data shows population shifts in PA

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New Census data shows population shifts in PA

“While this process has historically been conducted behind closed doors with little to no public input, 2021 is our year to flip the script and ensure that the voices of our communities, particularly those of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander, and other communities of color, are at the center of the conversation,” said Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause in Pennsylvania.

Census in PA.: What the latest figures mean for legislative and congressional seats

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Census in PA.: What the latest figures mean for legislative and congressional seats

Common Cause Pennsylvania executive director Khalif Ali said in a statement that it is time to “flip the script” and heed the voices Black, Latinx, Asian and other minority communities.

“When redistricting is fair, transparent, and includes everyone, our maps are more likely to be representative and secure, free, fair and responsive elections for the next decade,” Ali said.

Бюро переписи населения США публикует демографические данные переписи 2020 года, чтобы начать перераспределение избирательных округов в Пенсильвании в 2021 году


Бюро переписи населения США публикует демографические данные переписи 2020 года, чтобы начать перераспределение избирательных округов в Пенсильвании в 2021 году

Когда перераспределение избирательных округов будет справедливым, прозрачным и будет охватывать всех, наши карты с большей вероятностью будут репрезентативными и обеспечат свободные, справедливые и отзывчивые выборы на следующее десятилетие.

Pennsylvania’s lawmaker reimbursement rules are ‘ripe for abuse’

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Pennsylvania’s lawmaker reimbursement rules are ‘ripe for abuse’

Those expense rules, highlighted in a series of stories by The Caucus and Spotlight PA over the past two years, have created “a culture of zero accountability,” Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, said during a recent Spotlight PA live event.

Theft charges brought down a state lawmaker. But Pa.’s taxpayer-funded system for perks was already ripe for abuse.

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Theft charges brought down a state lawmaker. But Pa.’s taxpayer-funded system for perks was already ripe for abuse.

Those expense rules, highlighted in a series of stories by The Caucus and Spotlight PA over the last two years, have created “a culture of zero accountability,” Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, said during a recent Spotlight PA live event.


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