

Common Cause Pennsylvania требует от Дуга Мастриано осудить униформу Конфедерации и извиниться

Ранее сегодня сообщалось, что кандидат от Республиканской партии на пост губернатора Пенсильвании, сенатор штата Даг Мастриано, позировал в форме Конфедерации на факультетской фотографии для Военного колледжа армии в 2017 году.

It was сообщили earlier today that Pennsylvania Republican candidate for Governor, state Senator Doug Mastriano, posed in a Confederate uniform costume in a faculty photo for the Army War College in 2017.  

Заявление исполнительного директора Common Cause Pennsylvania Халифа Али 

“In Pennsylvania, we believe that anyone running for elected office must be held to the highest standards of conduct. It is concerning that a candidate running for the highest office in our state chose to pose for a photograph while wearing a Confederate uniform costume during his time as a faculty member at the Army War College.  

Senator Mastriano must acknowledge the harm that his actions have caused and apologize for his decision to wear a garment so symbolic of one of the most shameful eras in U.S. history.  



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