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Katie Scally

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(408) 205-1257


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Voters could be flooded with proposed changes to the PA Constitution in 2023

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Voters could be flooded with proposed changes to the PA Constitution in 2023

“It’s very partisan in nature and really reflects the attempt to advance an agenda that was unsuccessful through typical, ethical democratic means,” said Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, a good-government organization. “It’s a process in place for a reason and to go around that erodes democracy.”

Pennsylvania Republicans want a lot more power in redistricting for state maps

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Pennsylvania Republicans want a lot more power in redistricting for state maps

“This is absolutely a regression from what we already have,” said Khalif Ali, the head of Common Cause Pennsylvania, a nonpartisan good-government group. “When I was reading through it, I was just amazed.”

PA Lawsuit Asks State Supreme Court to Intervene in Redistricting

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PA Lawsuit Asks State Supreme Court to Intervene in Redistricting

Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, said they are also asking the Supreme Court to end what's known as "prison gerrymandering," when people in prison are counted as residents of the county where they're incarcerated, not where they would normally vote.

TODAY: Common Cause Pennsylvania to Testify in Favor of State Legislative Map Changes to Fairly Represent the Growing Diversity of State’s Population

Press Release

TODAY: Common Cause Pennsylvania to Testify in Favor of State Legislative Map Changes to Fairly Represent the Growing Diversity of State’s Population

The Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission will meet today to hold a fourth hearing on the proposed maps for the State House and Senate districts. The public is invited to provide testimony, during which Common Cause Pennsylvania will advocate for changes to the proposed maps that provide equal voting power to everyone in the commonwealth, regardless of race, ethnicity, or zip code.

Khalif Ali Joins Plaintiffs Calling for Fair Maps

Press Release

Khalif Ali Joins Plaintiffs Calling for Fair Maps

On December 31, 2021, Common Cause PA's Executive Director Khalif Ali joined plaintiffs from across the state in filing an Application to Intervene in the ongoing congressional redistricting litigation currently before the Commonwealth Court.

‘Glaring giant loophole: Philly Council members have to report who pays them, but not their spouses

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‘Glaring giant loophole: Philly Council members have to report who pays them, but not their spouses

“Instead of giving favors or gifts directly to a candidate, there’s an opportunity to give those things to a person the elected official cares about,” said Khalif Ali, executive director of the good government group Common Cause PA. “That’s what I call a potential loophole.”

Pennsylvania redistricting: New proposed maps for state House, Senate districts released

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Pennsylvania redistricting: New proposed maps for state House, Senate districts released

“We are particularly concerned with ensuring that Pennsylvania communities are protected and that all Pennsylvanians, but especially Black, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander, and other voters of color have an equal opportunity to elect a candidate of their choice,” said Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania.

Legislative Redistricting Committee Approves Preliminary State Legislative Maps

Press Release

Legislative Redistricting Committee Approves Preliminary State Legislative Maps

While we appreciate the thoughtful and careful approach that the LRC has taken to craft Pennsylvania’s maps, the preliminary maps approved today are only the first step in securing a fair, transparent, and participatory redistricting process.

City Council will debate limits on outside employment in wake of Bobby Henon’s bribery conviction

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City Council will debate limits on outside employment in wake of Bobby Henon’s bribery conviction

Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania — a nonprofit that advocates for government accountability — said at Monday’s news conference that he’s concerned about diminishing confidence in democracy.

“We cannot our legislators to forget about the verdict and what happened in Philadelphia,” he said. “We needed to enact these laws yesterday.”


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