



Common Cause Pennsylvania and its partners ACLU of Pennsylvania and All Voting is Local Action issued the following joint statement regarding the importance of the two Pennsylvania Supreme Court candidates upholding election security and accepting verified election results:

“Ahead of the all-important November vote to fill a seat on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, voters throughout the Commonwealth deserve candidates who will respect the will of voters and the security of our elections processes by upholding verified election results. Any candidate who willfully repeats falsehoods about the results of our elections is a danger to the impartiality and integrity of Pennsylvania’s highest court.

“With a coordinated campaign to erode our democracy taking shape here in Pennsylvania, the role of the state Supreme Court is more important than ever, as it can determine how critical voting issues like mail-in ballots, drop boxes and voting times are addressed. And if the legislature ever turns against voters and starts passing restrictive voting laws, as has happened in other states, Pennsylvania Supreme Court justices become the last line of defense. That is why it is critical that the state Supreme Court reflects the values of people in the Commonwealth who can trust that their voting rights won’t be taken away by a potential election denier on the court.”


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