



本文 最初出现 in the Lancaster Online on August 2, 2023 and was written by Jade Campos.  

Below is advisory board chair of Common Cause PA Christina Hartman’s quote included in the article on the benefits and challenges of virtual public access.

兰开斯特县的市政当局并非唯一停止通过流媒体举行会议的政府。致力于提高政府透明度的非营利和无党派组织 Common Cause PA 的顾问委员会主席克里斯蒂娜·哈特曼 (Christina Hartman) 表示,全州大多数政府都在重新关注面对面的会议。


“There are lots of reasons why people may not be able to make those meetings in person,” Hartman said. “We want to be as inclusive as possible, because we know that when citizenry are not involved and engaged civically, things can happen that maybe folks aren’t big fans of. So, we need to make it as easy as possible for people to participate.”Hartman said there’s still greater transparency in local government with amateur video than nothing at all. For example, the conference call option used by East Earl is a good “middle ground,” she said, if a municipality can’t use something more high tech.

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