Press Release

Common Cause Georgia Names Sara Henderson its New Executive Director

Today, Common Cause announced that Sara Henderson has been named Executive Director of Common Cause Georgia where she has worked as Policy Director since January. Sara brings years of political and grassroots experience to the position and has lived in Georgia for more than three decades.

Today, Common Cause announced that Sara Henderson has been named Executive Director of Common Cause Georgia where she has worked as Policy Director since January. Sara brings years of political and grassroots experience to the position and has lived in Georgia for more than three decades.

“Sara brings to bear a wealth of experience from her work with the Georgia General Assembly both from the inside as a staffer and from the outside as an advocate,” said Common Cause president Karen Hobert Flynn. “She hit the ground running for Common Cause in January and we all look forward great things from her in the years ahead.”

“Sara is precisely the right person at precisely the right time for Common Cause Georgia,” said Jon Sinton Common Cause Georgia’s Board Chair. “The challenges surrounding redistricting and voting rights play out more seriously and with greater impact in Georgia than most states, and there are precious few advocates with Sara’s skills and experience siding with, and working for the people.”

“I am excited to bring a new energy to Common Cause Georgia as we work to defend democracy across the state,” said Henderson. “Our focus of grassroots community engagement will help us push reforms in the areas of voting integrity and redistricting. I look forward to building a strong coalition of partners to help us ensure fair elections and ethical government to the citizens of Georgia.”

Sara comes to Common Cause with experience as a legislative and campaign staffer, movement builder, and an educator. Her passion is working to improve the lives of all Georgians by holding all levels of government accountable to the people.



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