Resource Library

The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030


The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030

The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030 provides a detailed summary of the conclusions from the first ever convening of people-led redistricting commissioners from across the country.
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119 Results


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As a Matter of Fact: The Harms Caused by Election Disinformation Report


As a Matter of Fact: The Harms Caused by Election Disinformation Report

Donald Trump’s Big Lie is working, and we have to respond. Just as we came together last year, rising up to vote safely and securely in record numbers during a global pandemic, we must now rise up to stop election disinformation efforts in future elections.

How Lobbying and Political Influence By Broadband Gatekeepers Has Shaped The Digital Divide Report


How Lobbying and Political Influence By Broadband Gatekeepers Has Shaped The Digital Divide Report

A new report from Common Cause in partnership with the Communications Workers of America, “Broadband Gatekeepers: How ISP Lobbying and Political Influence Shapes the Digital Divide,” examines lobbying and political spending by the largest ISPs and their trade associations and how these activities have shaped the digital divide.

Redistricting Data Release


Redistricting Data Release

On August 12, 2021, the U.S. Census Bureau released redistricting "legacy" data to the states. Although these data will require some time to process, this is the information states and localities need to draw new voting districts that are designed to last for the entire decade. The updated schedule for releasing these data has impacted state redistricting and election timelines. Learn more here.

Student Activist Library


Student Activist Library

Stay connected with the Common Cause Student Action Alliance using the links below. Have questions? Email us at

Redistricting Events


Redistricting Events

Whether you want to learn about Redistricting or dive deeper into a specific concept, there are events for you! Our states and our partners host events on a wide range of topics that you can register and engage with! Come back frequently to check out what events are happening!

Common Cause v. Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene (Illegal Soft Money Solicitation)

Legal Filing

Common Cause v. Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene (Illegal Soft Money Solicitation)

On May 21, Common Cause filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) violated the ‘soft money’ ban in the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) by soliciting unlimited contributions for a super PAC raising money for use in the Georgia Senate runoff elections. The allegations relate to a fundraising video that Rep. Greene recorded for the Stop Socialism NOW PAC, soliciting contributions to defeat candidates Rafael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in Georgia’s January Senate runoffs.

Redistricting Community College


Redistricting Community College

CHARGE designed the Redistricting Community College so your community can actively engage in the 2021/22 redistricting process – at every level of government – from school board to congressional redistricting. 

Common Cause v. Trump (GA Election Interference DOJ Complaint)

Legal Filing

Common Cause v. Trump (GA Election Interference DOJ Complaint)

On March 10, Common Cause and Common Cause Georgia filed a complaint with the U.S. Department Justice (DOJ), urging investigation into whether then-President Donald J. Trump, Senator Lindsey Graham, Rudolph W. Giuliani and others violated multiple federal laws by attempting to overturn presidential election results in Georgia via an hour-long Jan. 2 phone call to Raffensperger and other events and communications with Georgia officials.

Common Cause Comments in FEC Billionaire Transfer Rulemaking

Legal Filing

Common Cause Comments in FEC Billionaire Transfer Rulemaking

On August 31, 2020, Common Cause filed comments urging the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to conduct a rulemaking proceeding in order to adopt a regulation to prohibit billionaires like Michael Bloomberg from evading federal law limits on contributions to party committees by routing funds through their own campaign committees. Bloomberg’s $18 million contribution to the Democratic National Committee—and hundreds of thousands of dollars in-kind contributions to state Democratic party committees—from his self-financed presidential...



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