
Redistricting Resources

From New York to Florida to Ohio to California, Common Cause has been successful in improving the redistricting process and ensuring that our communities' voices are heard in many states. Whether you've been organizing for years or you are new to redistricting, this page of resources is full of tools to help you along the way! Here are some of the keys to success across different states and campaigns.

Community Engagement in Redistricting

The following resources are designed to help our communities participate in the redistricting process.

  • Redistricting FAQ: answers questions you may have regarding the overall process and its procedures.
  • Community of Interest Testimony Worksheet: provides guidance and support so you can plan out what you would like to say to those empowered to draw districts.
  • Local Redistricting Checklist: includes important benchmarks local decisionmakers should meet to establish an accessible and inclusive process. Wherever you are in the process, these resources are sure to meet all your diverse needs.

Related Resources

See all Related Resources


The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030

The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030 provides a detailed summary of the conclusions from the first ever convening of people-led redistricting commissioners from across the country.


Charge Report: Community Redistricting Report Card

The Community Redistricting Report Card reflects on this redistricting cycle, rating each state’s redistricting process based on community feedback. This report is the product of hundreds of on-the- ground interviews and surveys conducted by CHARGE.

Fact Sheet

Moore v. Harper: Understanding the Impacts of the Decision

An explainer on the Moore v. Harper victory and what it means for our democracy and the impacts this decision has at the state level.


2023 Freedom to Vote Act in the States



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