Christopher Shea

Commission Appointed to Prep for Potential Constitutional Convention

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Commission Appointed to Prep for Potential Constitutional Convention

The commission for the proposed RI Constitution Convention included 4 spots for the public - all filled by former elected officials or State House staffers. The rest of the commission is made up of Democrats and Republicans from both the House and the Senate.

Constitutional Conventions: a relic of old or a chance for reform? It’s time for voters to decide

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Constitutional Conventions: a relic of old or a chance for reform? It’s time for voters to decide

Rep. Robert Craven and Senator Dawn Euer are sponsoring legislation that allows Rhode Island voters to determine if they want to hold a constitutional convention to change or amend the Rhode Island state constitution. There is concern that a state constitutional convention could get out of hand with political polarization, while others argue it would be a welcome change for how government is run in Rhode Island.



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