مقطع اخباري

تم قبول المتقدمين الجدد لمجلس مدارس بروفيدنس، ولكن فتراتهم قد تكون قصيرة

علق المدير التنفيذي جون ماريون على أول انتخابات لمجلس مدرسة في بروفيدنس والمقرر إجراؤها العام المقبل.

هذه المقالة ظهرت أصلا in the Boston Globe on November 20, 2023 and was written by Steph Machado.  

John Marion, the executive director of good-government group Common Cause Rhode Island, noted that the charter change language was silent on the transition process from the existing board.

“At the time this was adopted, the charter review commission did not provide very much information to the voters about what they were proposing,” Marion said. “So it’s no surprise that a year after this was adopted, there are still a lot of unanswered questions.”

لقراءة المقال كاملا، انقر هنا. 



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