
Featured Press
Commission Appointed to Prep for Potential Constitutional Convention

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Commission Appointed to Prep for Potential Constitutional Convention

The commission for the proposed RI Constitution Convention included 4 spots for the public - all filled by former elected officials or State House staffers. The rest of the commission is made up of Democrats and Republicans from both the House and the Senate.

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Common Cause Rhode Island Reminds Voters “Election Day is not Results Day”

Press Release

Common Cause Rhode Island Reminds Voters “Election Day is not Results Day”

Rhode Island voters have until 8 p.m. tonight to cast their ballot in person or by mail in the 2022 midterm election. As voters head to the polls, Common Cause Rhode Island is reminding voters that it may take longer than Election Day for officials to finalize results.

Governor McKee signs Let RI Vote Act into law

Press Release

Governor McKee signs Let RI Vote Act into law

Today, Rhode Island Governor Daniel McKee signed the Let RI Vote Act into law. The changes will be in effect for the 2022 election.

Rhode Island Expands Voter Access as Other States Pass Anti-Voting Laws

Press Release

Rhode Island Expands Voter Access as Other States Pass Anti-Voting Laws

"Passage of The Let RI Vote Act is a watershed moment for voting rights in Rhode Island. This is the culmination of years of hard work by dozens of organizations and thousands of Rhode Islanders."

Rhode Island’s Political Spending Transparency Law Survives Supreme Court Challenge

Press Release

Rhode Island’s Political Spending Transparency Law Survives Supreme Court Challenge

The state’s groundbreaking 2012 law was the state’s response to the 2010 Citizens United decision. It requires groups spending to influence Rhode Island elections, independent of the candidates themselves, to report information about their donors who funded the advertising.

Save The Bay, ACLU of RI, RISSA and Common Cause RI file “Friend of the Court” Brief in Support of Overturning Ruling Allowing Expansion of Controversial Block Island Marina

Press Release

Save The Bay, ACLU of RI, RISSA and Common Cause RI file “Friend of the Court” Brief in Support of Overturning Ruling Allowing Expansion of Controversial Block Island Marina

The brief claims the court disregarded compliance with various critical environmental regulations and standards, including those requiring public involvement.

Grassroots Coalition Calls on Rhode Island Leaders to Eliminate Prison Gerrymandering

Press Release

Grassroots Coalition Calls on Rhode Island Leaders to Eliminate Prison Gerrymandering

Today, more than 20 statewide organizations sent a letter to the members of Rhode Island’s Special Committee on Reapportionment, urging them to end the harmful practice of prison gerrymandering. With a single vote, the committee can immediately enact this change so the data can be updated before drawing new district maps.

Open Government Coalition Calls for Return of Online Meetings

Press Release

Open Government Coalition Calls for Return of Online Meetings

ACCESS/RI, a coalition of groups working for open government in Rhode Island, sent a letter to Governor Daniel McKee urging him to issue an executive order that would allow public bodies to once again hold online meetings and require public bodies to provide remote access for members of the public. The coalition made the request in light of the current wave of infections caused by the Delta variant of Covid-19.

Rhode Island’s Political Spending Transparency Law Upheld by Federal Appeals Court

Press Release

Rhode Island’s Political Spending Transparency Law Upheld by Federal Appeals Court

Rhode Island’s political spending transparency rules have been upheld by a federal appeals court, which held that “a well-informed electorate is as vital to the survival of a democracy as air is to the survival of human life.”

U.S. Census Bureau Releases New Format of Data for a More Participatory Redistricting Process

Press Release

U.S. Census Bureau Releases New Format of Data for a More Participatory Redistricting Process

Today, the U.S. Census Bureau will release population data from the 2020 Census in an easy-to-use format for Americans who want to advocate for fair maps in this year’s redistricting cycle. The new format of the data will be made available to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico and will be key to increasing participation in the ongoing redistricting efforts.



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