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حذرت منظمة Common Cause Rhode Island مسؤولي الانتخابات من انتهاكات قانون حقوق التصويت في الانتخابات التمهيدية

بيان صحفي

حذرت منظمة Common Cause Rhode Island مسؤولي الانتخابات من انتهاكات قانون حقوق التصويت في الانتخابات التمهيدية

"على الرغم من الدعوى القضائية التي رفعتها وزارة العدل الأمريكية، فشلت مدينة باوتوكيت في تلبية احتياجات ناخبيها خلال الانتخابات التمهيدية الأخيرة."

جهات الاتصال الإعلامية

جون ماريون

المدير التنفيذي، رود آيلاند

تقدم منظمة Common Cause Rhode Island تعليقات متكررة حول قضايا إصلاح الديمقراطية. للتحدث مع جون ماريون، يرجى التواصل باستخدام معلومات الاتصال المذكورة أعلاه.


250 نتيجة


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250 نتيجة


إعادة تعيين المرشحات

“Redraw Rhode Island” kicks-off campaign for an Independent Redistricting Commission

بيان صحفي

“Redraw Rhode Island” kicks-off campaign for an Independent Redistricting Commission

In a gathering at the State Library today, legislators, Common Cause members and other community leaders kicked-off a proposed state constitutional amendment creating an independent redistricting commission to draw new legislative district lines after the 2020 Census.

تقرير جديد يوضح تفاصيل اختبارات التدقيق التي أجريت في رود آيلاند للحد من المخاطر لتحديد أفضل نظام لانتخابات عام 2020

بيان صحفي

تقرير جديد يوضح تفاصيل اختبارات التدقيق التي أجريت في رود آيلاند للحد من المخاطر لتحديد أفضل نظام لانتخابات عام 2020

أصدرت اليوم منظمة Common Cause وVerified Voting ومركز برينان للعدالة في كلية الحقوق بجامعة نيويورك تقريرًا عن البرنامج التجريبي لولاية رود آيلاند لتحديد أكثر الأساليب فعالية لتنفيذ عمليات التدقيق التي تحد من المخاطر (RLA) المطلوبة من الولاية لانتخابات عام 2020. كانت المنظمات الثلاث جزءًا من مجموعة عمل ساعدت الولاية في تصميم وإدارة البرامج التجريبية في وقت سابق من هذا العام.

مقطع اخباري

With sponsors such as the NRA and the IGT gaming company, state legislators have traveled to Taiwan, Hawaii, Greece and Colombia as well as destinations throughout the U.S.

R.I. Supreme Court Justice Flaherty appeals ruling that he violated ethics code

مقطع اخباري

R.I. Supreme Court Justice Flaherty appeals ruling that he violated ethics code

Rhode Island Supreme Justice Francis X. Flaherty is appealing a ruling that he violated the state Code of Ethics by failing to disclose his role leading a Catholic legal group while ruling on a priest sexual abuse case.

Bonus Q&A: Marion On First Amendment, Campaign Finance, RI Apathy & More

مقطع اخباري

Bonus Q&A: Marion On First Amendment, Campaign Finance, RI Apathy & More

Common Cause of RI head John Marion joins Bonus Q&A to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court, how to make RI elections more competitive, what he's watching on campaign finance issues, and much more.

Bill would restore R.I. lawmakers’ ability to post their photos on General Assembly website

مقطع اخباري

Bill would restore R.I. lawmakers’ ability to post their photos on General Assembly website

Rhode Island’s legislative leaders are pushing for fast action on a new bill to reinstate a lost perk, to wit: their ability to run photos of themselves and other incumbent lawmakers on the General Assembly website — and official social-media accounts — during election season.

Election officials back constitutional challenge to paperless voting

مقطع اخباري

Election officials back constitutional challenge to paperless voting

The court battle over South Carolina election security is heating up. A group of citizens and its allies are warning that paperless voting machines aren’t safe from foreign interference.

Lt. Gov. McKee: ‘I made a mistake’ by not disclosing Asia trip

مقطع اخباري

Lt. Gov. McKee: ‘I made a mistake’ by not disclosing Asia trip

Lt. Gov. Dan McKee acknowledged Thursday he failed to report an overseas trip to the Rhode Island Ethics Commission until Target 12 inquired about his travels, but insisted his visits to Asia will pay dividends for the state.

Firefighter unions have spent liberally on R.I. legislative races

مقطع اخباري

Firefighter unions have spent liberally on R.I. legislative races

Few interest groups have been more generous to Rhode Island lawmakers than the firefighters’ lobby, which is pushing controversial overtime legislation up for a House vote on Tuesday, in a state that regularly tops the national charts on the cost of fire protection.

First Amendment: Up to the public to shine a light on government

مقطع اخباري

First Amendment: Up to the public to shine a light on government

Rhode Island celebrated “Sunshine Week” recently, but when it comes to open government in Rhode Island these days, the more accurate description might be “Sunshine: Weak.”



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