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Voting & Elections 09.6.2022

Common Cause Releases 2022 “Democracy Scorecard” Showing Growing Support in Congress for Democracy Reform

“Our democracy is strongest when constituents are informed about the job our elected leaders are doing in Washington,” said John Marion, Common Cause Rhode Island executive director.

Voting & Elections 06.8.2022

Governor McKee signs Let RI Vote Act into law

Today, Rhode Island Governor Daniel McKee signed the Let RI Vote Act into law. The changes will be in effect for the 2022 election.

Voting & Elections 05.17.2022

Rhode Island Expands Voter Access as Other States Pass Anti-Voting Laws

"Passage of The Let RI Vote Act is a watershed moment for voting rights in Rhode Island. This is the culmination of years of hard work by dozens of organizations and thousands of Rhode Islanders."

Money & Influence 04.25.2022

Rhode Island’s Political Spending Transparency Law Survives Supreme Court Challenge

The state’s groundbreaking 2012 law was the state’s response to the 2010 Citizens United decision. It requires groups spending to influence Rhode Island elections, independent of the candidates themselves, to report information about their donors who funded the advertising.

Ethics 02.1.2022

Save The Bay, ACLU of RI, RISSA and Common Cause RI file “Friend of the Court” Brief in Support of Overturning Ruling Allowing Expansion of Controversial Block Island Marina

The brief claims the court disregarded compliance with various critical environmental regulations and standards, including those requiring public involvement.

Grassroots Coalition Calls on Rhode Island Leaders to Eliminate Prison Gerrymandering

Today, more than 20 statewide organizations sent a letter to the members of Rhode Island’s Special Committee on Reapportionment, urging them to end the harmful practice of prison gerrymandering. With a single vote, the committee can immediately enact this change so the data can be updated before drawing new district maps.

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