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Common Cause Rhode Island recuerda a los votantes que “el día de las elecciones no es el día de los resultados”

Los votantes de Rhode Island tienen hasta las 8 p. m. de esta noche para emitir su voto en persona o por correo en las elecciones intermedias de 2022. Mientras los votantes se dirigen a las urnas, Common Cause Rhode Island les recuerda a los votantes que los funcionarios pueden tardar más tiempo que el día de las elecciones en finalizar los resultados.

Elected officials must count hundreds of thousands of ballots, including early votes and mail ballots 

PROVIDENCE — Rhode Island voters have until 8 p.m. tonight to cast their ballot in person or by mail in the 2022 midterm election. As voters head to the polls, Common Cause Rhode Island is reminding voters that it may take longer than Election Day for officials to finalize results.

“It’s crucial every voice is heard in this election and that means counting every single vote,” said John Marion, director ejecutivo de Common Cause Rhode Island. “It takes time to count every vote accurately and that’s why Election Day is not results day. Even though we may not know the election winners when we go to bed, what matters most is making sure every voter’s ballot is counted accurately.” 

Rhode Island is one of 38 states  that allow elections officials to begin counting mail ballots prior to the close of polls. However, many mail ballots are returned on Election Day and will need to be qualified before being counted. In close races those outstanding ballots may be the difference. 

To find 2022 Rhode Island election results, haga clic aquí 

Election Day Information  

Voters who have any questions about the voting process or encounter any problems can contact Common Cause’s nonpartisan Election Protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE. 

Voters who requested a vote-by-mail ballot 

  • Must make sure their ballot in the return envelope with the voter’s signature is received by the State Board of Elections office by 8 p.m., Tuesday. Nov. 8. 
  • Utilize one of the 41 drop boxes across the state as well as temporary receptacles at all polling places. To find drop box locations, haga clic aquí. A voter can return their mail ballot in any drop box, regardless of where they live. 

Voters who want to vote in person on Tuesday, Nov. 8, Election Day must:  

  • Bring valid photo ID. To find the list of acceptable ID’s, haga clic aquí 
  • Arrive at the polls during voting hours. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m (except New Shoreham which opens at 9 a.m). To find voting locations, haga clic aquí 
  • Any voter in line to vote at 8 p.m. must be allowed to cast a ballot. 




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