
Featured Press
Commission Appointed to Prep for Potential Constitutional Convention

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Commission Appointed to Prep for Potential Constitutional Convention

The commission for the proposed RI Constitution Convention included 4 spots for the public - all filled by former elected officials or State House staffers. The rest of the commission is made up of Democrats and Republicans from both the House and the Senate.

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First Amendment: 38 Studios debacle is R.I.’s Watergate

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First Amendment: 38 Studios debacle is R.I.’s Watergate

The 38 Studios debacle might not have produced a constitutional crisis or a legal battle (over the Nixon White House tapes) that went all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States. But Curt Schilling’s ill-fated video-game venture certainly produced a monumental crisis here in Rhode Island

Editorial: Insiders against a line-item veto

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Editorial: Insiders against a line-item veto

Those who hoped the General Assembly would finally heed the public’s wishes, and place a strong line-item veto on this November’s ballot, cannot feel encouraged by the antics at the State House. A commission selected by legislators to look into the matter seems clearly antagonistic to the whole idea. As TV’s Gomer Pyle used to say, “Surprise, surprise!”

Opposition Accuses Biomass Developer of Pay to Play

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Opposition Accuses Biomass Developer of Pay to Play

Environment leaders are uniting against a potential wood-burning power plant as accusations of political pay to play intensify. John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, was the only non-environmental speaker at a May 22 rally outside the Statehouse.

‘Test Run’ on Central Falls streets will promote 2018 count

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‘Test Run’ on Central Falls streets will promote 2018 count

To boost participation in the 2018 Census test that’s taking place in Providence County, Common Cause is partnering with Central Falls to host a “Test Run” through the city’s streets on June 2. “We’re doing this for two reasons,” said John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, which promotes transparent and effective government. “First, is the lack of awareness of the test right now and the fact that the Census Bureau has effectively zero budget devoted to promoting awareness.

Activists rally against bill that would allow energy incentives for biomass

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Activists rally against bill that would allow energy incentives for biomass

In her first public remarks on state legislation that would extend a key renewable energy incentive to the burning of wood waste to generate electricity, Gov. Gina Raimondo on Tuesday acknowledged environmental groups’ opposition to the measure but refrained from taking a position herself.

Bill would allow hiring of multiple District Court magistrates in R.I.

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Bill would allow hiring of multiple District Court magistrates in R.I.

A year ago, state lawmakers approved the appointment of a former state representative, the House speaker’s legal counsel and a legal adviser to the governor with family ties to the Senate leadership and the Laborers International Union to top-paid posts in the state courts, in which they get to wear the same black robes as judges without having to go through the same screening.

Editorial: Please show up and speak out

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Editorial: Please show up and speak out

Rhode Island General Assembly hearings must be announced at least 48 hours ahead of time, which is supposed to give the public a heads up. On Monday afternoon, one legislative commission barely beat that deadline with an announcement it would take testimony on the line-item veto at 3 p.m. on Wednesday.

TGIF: 20 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media

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TGIF: 20 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media

Campaign season continues to heat up, with the end-of-June filing deadline drawing ever closer. So thanks for stopping by for my weekly column. As usual, your tips and comments are welcome, and you can follow me through the week on the twitters. Here we go.



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