Extrait d'actualité

Le comité d'éthique rejette la plainte du GOP contre le président du RI Shekarchi

Commentaire de John Marion sur le rejet par la Commission d'éthique d'une plainte déposée contre le président de la Chambre des représentants, K. Joseph Shekarchi. 

Cet article est apparu à l'origine in the Boston Globe on January 9, 2024 and was written by Edward Fitzpatrick.  

Below is John Marion’s comment on the Ethics Commission’s dismissal a complaint filed against House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi. 

John M. Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, said the Ethics Commission staff conducted “a thorough investigation” of the complaint. He noted that the commission agreed with the staff’s conclusion that Shekarchi was not a business associate of Zarrella Sr. at the time of the vote, and that the class exception would have applied in any case.

“Regardless of the outcome, this investigation demonstrates the value of the Ethics Commission once again having jurisdiction over legislators, something Common Cause fought to successfully achieve in 2016,” Marion said. “This is the most thorough investigation of a legislator since that jurisdiction was restored. Rhode Islanders deserve to know is legislators are serving the public interest, not their private interests.”

Pour lire l'article complet, Cliquez ici. 



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