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J.R. Vinagro paid RIRRC $37.3 million during ex-landfill boss’s tenure, then hired him as CEO

This article originally appeared in the Johnson Sunrise on January 24, 2024 and was written by Rory Schuler.  

Below is executive director John Marion’s comment on payments from J.R. Vinagro Corporation to RIRRC during the tenure of former executive director Joseph Reposa.

“Even though RIRRC is a quasi-public, as a former employee Mr. (Reposa) is subject to the state’s Code of Ethics,” according to John Marion, executive director of Common Cause RI. “One important part of the Code is the revolving door law. It doesn’t appear that the revolving door would prevent (Reposa) from taking the position with Vinagro, but it does place some important restrictions on his employment there. (Reposa) likely can’t, for instance, appear before the RIRRC board for up to a year after he left the agency. He’s also prohibited from using information he gained during his time with the agency to benefit his new employer. The prohibition against the use of confidential information is really tricky to enforce, however.”

To read the full article, click here. 



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