Extrait d'actualité

Le conseiller municipal de Providence, Juan Pichardo, devra payer 14 300 TP4T pour violation du financement de campagne

John Marion parle au Globe de l'omission du conseiller municipal de Providence, Juan Pichardo, de déclarer et de fausser les montants de $20 000 en fonds et dépenses de campagne.

Cet article est apparu à l'origine in the Boston Globe on June 6, 2023 and was written by Steph Machado.  

Below is executive director John Marion’s comment on the Rhode Island Board of Elections’s recent $3,000 fine against Councilman Juan Pichardo for violations of state campaign finance laws.

“Councilman Juan Pichardo failed to report, and misreported, more than $20,000 of campaign donations and expenditures during his successful run for the Providence City Council in 2022,” said John Marion, the executive director of good-government group Common Cause Rhode Island. “As a state senator, Pichardo sponsored campaign finance disclosure legislation and should have known better.”

“It’s good that the now-councilman took responsibility for his actions and that the Board of Elections personally fined him $3,000,” Marion continued.

Pour lire l'article complet, Cliquez ici. 



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