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Blueprint for a Great Democracy – Reimagining Elections

Common Cause Rhode Island is sponsoring a free, online event to gather Rhode Islanders’ perspectives on changes to how the state holds its elections. Members of the public and the media are welcome to join on Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Many things changed during 2020, including how ‘We, the People’ participate in our government.

Common Cause Rhode Island is sponsoring a free, online event to gather Rhode Islanders’ perspectives on changes to how the state holds its elections. Members of the public and the media are welcome to join

  • Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 7:00 pm: Reimagining Elections

    This year, Rhode Island’s elections processes included mailing mail ballot applications to all active voters, waiving witness/notary requirements for returning ballots, and increased access to early voting, among other changes. You will be invited to submit your thoughts about these changes in elections procedures — and your suggestions about other potential improvements.

    Featuring community members Cherie Cruz (Executive Director, Formerly Incarcerated Union), Cristin Langworthy (Community Organizer, Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless), Nick Lima (Director of Elections, Cranston) Angela McCalla (Newport City Councilor) and Alex Taylor (Principal Designer, Ad Hoc LLC and first-time poll worker).

    Following the event, Common Cause will share commentary from John Caserta (Professor, Rhode Island School of Design), 넬리 고르비아 (Rhode Island Secretary of State) and Gretchen Macht (Professor, University of Rhode Island).

“COVID-19 has forced significant changes to our democracy, from elections to public meetings,” said Common Cause Rhode Island Executive Director John Marion. “It has also given us an opportunity to reimagine civic participation in our state, and we would like as many people as possible to be part of the discussion about what changes should be made in the future.”

Spanish-language interpretation will be provided. The event will be about 75 minutes long.

Early registration is requested. When you register, you will be invited to participate in a pre-event survey to record your observations and suggestions. Survey results will be shared during each session.

Register for Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 7:00 pm: Reimagining Elections at https://actionnetwork.org/events/blueprint-for-a-great-democracy-reimagining-elections/ or https://bit.ly/2IPCW75.

A similar session on “Reimagining Public Meetings” was held on November 29th. A recording of that event is available 여기.


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