뉴스 클립

의견: 투명성을 위해 일어서다

DiPalma 상원의원과 Sherpa 대표는 Rhode Island의 공공 기록 접근법을 개혁하기 위한 법안을 후원하고 있습니다. 이 법안에는 기록 요청 비용 제한, 기록 보류에 대한 설명 요구, 정부 기관 내 투명성 강화가 포함됩니다.

What’s Up Newport: Op-Ed: Standing Up for Transparency  

이 기사 원래 나타났다 in What’s Up Newport on April 10, 2024, and was written by Senator Louis DiPalma and Representative Patricia Serpa.  


Below is the mention of Common Cause Rhode Island in the discussion regarding APRA reform. 


This legislative session, we are proud to be sponsoring APRA reform legislation. We have worked hard since the previous session to update this proposal based on discussions with, and feedback from, a wide range of stakeholders. And we are proud to stand with Access/RI, Common Cause Rhode Island, the New England First Amendment Coalition, the League of Women Voters, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Rhode Island Press Association in support of these needed reforms.”


전체 기사를 읽으려면, 여기를 클릭하세요. 


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