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Commission Appointed to Prep for Potential Constitutional Convention

The commission for the proposed RI Constitution Convention included 4 spots for the public - all filled by former elected officials or State House staffers. The rest of the commission is made up of Democrats and Republicans from both the House and the Senate.

The Rhode Island Current: Commission Appointed to Prep for Potential Constitutional Convention 


This article originally appeared in The Rhode Island Current on July 8th, 2024 and was written by Christopher Shea.  


Below is Common Cause staff’s quote included in the article discussing the commission that was created and appointed for the potential Rhode Island Constitutional Convention.   


“Legislative leadership lacks imagination when it comes to appointments,” Common Cause Rhode Island Executive Director John Marion told Rhode Island Current. “It’s disappointing to see that [in] a state rich in colleges and universities, including a law school, there isn’t an actual expert in constitutional law on the commission.”


To read the full article, click here. 




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