뉴스 클립

RI 교통 재판소와 가족 법원 판사의 새로운 구성원이 고려 대상입니다. 이름은 다음과 같습니다.

존 매리언은 프로비던스 저널과 로드아일랜드의 "치안판사 탈법 행위"에 관해 대화를 나누었습니다.

이 기사 원래 나타났다 in the Providence Journal on May 17, 2023 and was written by Katie Mulvaney.  


Below is John Marion’s quote included in the article about a crop of new Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal and Family Court magistrates.


Magistrate positions are often viewed as a stepping stone to a lifetime judgeship that circumvents the merit selection process for judges instituted by Rhode Island voters in 1994 after a series of scandals.

John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, a government watchdog organization, observed Tuesday that 30 years since the judicial selection process was overhauled, “the magistrate loophole remains.”

“While Chief Justice Suttell brought some needed transparency to his selections for the Traffic Tribunal by announcing the applicants and holding the interviews in public, the appointment system for the Family Court magistrates was completely opaque,” Marion said in an email.

Further, he said, “While the Judicial Nominating Commission has emphasized bringing needed racial and ethnic diversity to the bench, the ranks of magistrates still lag behind.”

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