뉴스 클립

RI 윤리위원회, 셰카르치 의장에 대한 불만 제기 기각

하원 의장 K. 조셉 셰카르치에 대한 불만 사항을 윤리위원회가 기각한 것에 대한 존 메리언 전무이사의 논평.

이 기사 원래 나타났다 in the Rhode Island Current on January 9, 2024 and was written by Christopher Shea.  

Below is John Marion’s comment on the Ethics Commission’s dismissal of a complaint against House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi.

John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, who attended the meeting, said he was not surprised to see the complaint get dismissed. He said that investigators have to determine motivation on why a bill is filed, which is not an easy thing to prove.

“It’s less clear cut than other types of action,” Marion said. “I was more surprised that it wasn’t dismissed at an earlier stage.”

전체 기사를 읽으려면, 여기를 클릭하세요. 


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