
청원: RI에서 당일 등록을 위해 투표합시다!

로드아일랜드의 30일 유권자 등록 마감일은 미국에서 가장 길며 유권자 참여를 늘리는 데 큰 장애물입니다. 투표는 이렇게 어려워서는 안 됩니다. 로드아일랜드가 유권자가 같은 날에 등록하고 투표용지를 던질 수 있도록 허용하는 다른 22개 주와 컬럼비아 특별구에 합류해야 할 때입니다.

Every eligible voter in Rhode Island should be able to participate in our democracy. I am joining a growing coalition of Rhode Islanders calling for the General Assembly to put Same Day Registration on the ballot in November 2024.

공통 원인

The 30-day voter registration requirement is the most significant barrier to voter participation in Rhode Island. We know from experience in other states that thousands of additional eligible voters will cast a ballot in our elections if that barrier is eliminated. To make this happen, the General Assembly must pass a resolution during the 2024 legislative session to put a constitutional amendment before Rhode Island voters, presenting them with the solution: eliminating the 30-day registration deadline.

Benefits of removing this arcane and bureaucratic restriction include:

  • Increasing turnout
  • Reducing the number of provisional ballots cast, most of which are rejected
  • Keeping the voting rolls cleaner
  • Closing the racial turnout gap


It is time for Rhode Island to make democratic participation easier for all eligible voters. Add your name and tell the General Assembly to put Same Day Registration on the ballot by passing H-7474 and S-2779!



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