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Voting & Elections 06.12.2020

Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea and Voting Rights Groups announce ‘Safe and Healthy Voting in 2020 Act’

Following on the June 2 presidential primary, which saw 83% of all votes cast by mail, a coalition of Rhode Island organizations today announced legislation to implement mail-based voting in the September 8 state primary and the November 3 general election. 

“Redraw Rhode Island” kicks-off campaign for an Independent Redistricting Commission

In a gathering at the State Library today, legislators, Common Cause members and other community leaders kicked-off a proposed state constitutional amendment creating an independent redistricting commission to draw new legislative district lines after the 2020 Census.

Voting & Elections 09.3.2019

New Report Details Rhode Island’s Risk-Limiting Audit Tests to Identify Best System for 2020 Election

Today, Common Cause, Verified Voting, and The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law released a report on Rhode Island’s pilot program to identify the most effective methods to implement the risk-limiting audits (RLA) required by the state for the 2020 election. The three organizations were part of a working group that helped the state design and run the pilots earlier this year.


To Enhance Election Security, Rhode Island Tests A New Way to Verify Election Results

Ethics 06.4.2014

Good government groups call on Rhode Island Senate to withdraw ethics resolution

Common Cause Rhode Island asks for an ethics bill to be revised.

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