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R.I. Official says GOP Senate Candidate is spreading “misinformation” about voter data

Republican Representative Patricia Morgan argues that the Election Registration Information Center, used by various states to update and clean up voter rolls, is stealing Rhode Islanders’ information from the DMV and selling it to other private companies. Deputy Secretary of State Rob Rock accused Morgan of spreading “misinformation” to voters ahead of a critical election cycle.

Boston Globe: R.I. Official says GOP Senate Candidate is spreading “misinformation” about voter data


This article originally appeared in the Boston Globe on April 9, 2024 and was written by Edward Fitzpatrick.  


Below is Common Cause staff’s quote included in the article following allegations of spreading “misinformation” against GOP Senate Candidate Patricia Morgan.  

Common Cause Rhode Island executive director John M. Marion said ERIC is the best tool available to help states clean up voter rolls by comparing them with other states. “For many years, it has been a talking point on the right that we need to do more to clean our voter rolls, yet the right has attacked the one tool created to effectively do that,” he said. “For many Republicans, this is cutting off their nose to spite their face.”


To read the full article, click here. 



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