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R.I. Official to Pay $5,000 Ethics Fine for Philadelphia Trip

David Patten will pay $5,000 in ethics commission fines, while James Thorsen will defend himself at a hearing for his actions on a business trip to Philadelphia.

Boston Globe: R.I. Official to Pay $5,000 Ethics Fine for Philadelphia Trip 


This article originally appeared in the Boston Globe on March 26, 2024 and was written by Edward Fitzpatrick.  


Below is the Common Cause staff’s quote included in the article about James Thorsen and David Patten’s ethical consequences for actions on their Philadelphia business trip. 

After Tuesday’s meeting, Common Cause Rhode Island executive director John M. Marion said it’s good that the Ethics Commission filed a complaint against Patten and has now concluded the case. But he said the fine could have been higher than $5,000 “given the scope of everything Mr. Patten did wrong in Philadelphia” and his role as “a high-ranking, high-paid state employee” who made $174,490 a year. “They could have done more to send a message that this is unacceptable by government employees,” Marion said. “And they chose not to send a stronger message.”

The maximum penalty for an ethics code violation is $25,000. But Marion, said, “The Ethics Commission has not been aggressive with its fines in recent years. If it was going to be aggressive, this would be a good case to be aggressive on.”

Still, Marion noted that Patten will end up paying $5,000 because he “shook down” Scout for a meal. “So this was the most expensive lunch in Patten’s life,” he said.


To read the full article, click here. 



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